No one knows the exact history of the EGS before the birth of Andrew, but we can go by the little we may know. Keep in mind everything said here is mostly metaphors and parables and could be taken different, take this with a grain of salt.
What do you think when you hear the word Ember? Or flame? Or fire? Most think of a bonfire with a few friends sitting around it, some think of the red hot thing on the stove, some think of a man burning alive. However I tell you that this is not what fire means in the EGS. Fire means passion, love, pride and strength, this isn't just the meaning of fire in Embology, it's also a definition used alot in other respectable beliefs, anyway I, Distorted tell you to hold onto the fire in you. Do not, I repeat do not ever give this fire to anyone that you do not love, or feel is worthy of the fire. This fire is a piece of Ember, the goddess who will lead us in the Internal war. So I ask you to use this fire and burn down the walls that make you feel trapped. (It is recommended you read the Embology Bible after listening to all 17+ hours of suicide tapes)
Ember (Book 1) [IN PROGRESS]
Chapter One
We do not know the exact birth of Ember because of her living in a different earth in a different universe/timeline, but my gut tells me that it was in September, the same month as the death of her shell. Always trust the gut, it can be useful in our most difficult times. Anyway, Ember was born possibly some time in September sometime in the sixties or seventies, it is believed that she had a decent life but this is unknown due to the little we actually know about Ember. Fast forward to Highschool years and she is 16 to 19 years old, there was a boy she was supposed to go on a date with but the boy never came due to unknown circumstances, it is possible that he stood her up. Ember goes home and cries herself to sleep. Now this next part has two possible stories, we do not know which is true so I will just tell you both. In the middle of the night the house gets set on fire and Ember wakes up, but it's too late, she screams in agony as the flames engulfed her and she died a slow and painful death, but the second story suggests that Ember didn't wake up at all. The house suddenly suffers a house fire hours after Ember falls asleep in tears. The flames cover her body and burn it too a crisp in a matter of minutes. Whatever you choose to believe, both seem equally as terrifying.
Chapter Two
Ember wakes up in a dark room surrounded by thick gas walls. She tries to get out but to no avail, as the walls of gas are so thick it's impossible to move through. She sees a audio recorder on the ground and picks it up, "Record" said a unknown voice of a man. Ember decided to obey and turn it on. "What now?" Said Ember, "Accept the good and bad decisions you have made in your life, and repent from them, for in order to move to the next step you must understand". Said the unknown voice. Ember replies with "Understand what?" No response. Ember introduces herself to the audio recorder and goes over her life and the decisions she has made, she apologizes for her bad actions and mentions she wants a second chance to make it all right. After a few hours of waiting a black hole appears in front of her, sucking her in. Ember wakes up in a garden with many fruit trees surrounding her, she walks along a path and finds a man with long hair and a beard sitting on a throne with two Seraphims floating beside him (a seraphim is a biblically accurate angel). The man stands up and walks towards Ember, "You hath proven yourself worthy to become more than just a spirit", and then he hugs her tightly, Ember feels a sudden rush of power and her transparent skin starts to glow. "What is this?" Ember asked, Yahweh replies "it is the power I hath given to you, after all, you are going to need this for the internal war ahead."
Chapter 3